Elizabeth B. Bearden is a Professor of English at UW–Madison. She earned her Ph.D. in Comparative Literature at New York University and her A.B. in Comparative Literature at Princeton.
Bearden’s first book, The Emblematics of the Self: Ekphrasis and Identity in Renaissance Imitations of Greek Romance, was published by the University of Toronto Press in 2012 (ebook version 2013). Her forthcoming book, Monstrous Kinds: Body, Space, and Narrative in Renaissance Representations of Disability, won the Tobin Siebers Prize for Disability Studies in the Humanities and is forthcoming from the Corporealities series of University of Michigan Press in 2019.
Bearden has published articles in PMLA (2006, 2017), JEMCS, Ancient Narrative Supplementum, Arizona Journal for Hispanic Cultural Studies, and E-Humanista Cervantes. She served on the Executive Committee for the MLA Forum on Disability Studies from 2012–16. Her current book project is tentatively titled “Crip Authority: Disability and the Art of Consolation in the Global Renaissance.”
Contact Information
Helen C. White Hall
600 N Park St